
這不是我專長.擅長的議題,因此別奢望這會是一篇冗長的文章 .

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裡面有這十大project的更詳細介紹 .

P.S.此處所指建築並非單指建築物,而是泛指有使用到永續.生態環境等概念的設計.include Subway ..etc.

      排名沒有任何意義!自從michael jordan退休後,沒有所謂的第一名,plz.

10. GREENPIX Zero Energy Media Wall Lights up Beijing

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9. SOM’s Stunning Cathedral of Christ the Light

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8. The New Green California Academy of Sciences Unveiled!

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7. The World’s First Energy-Generating Revolving Door

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6. Thai Temple Built From One Million Recycled Bottles

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5. China’s Spiraling Shanghai Tower Breaks Ground

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4. Recycled Subway Cars Turned into Studios in London

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3. ZIGGURAT: Dubai Carbon Neutral Pyramid will House 1 Million

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2. Retreat to an Ewok Eco Sphere in the Trees

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1. Amazing Green Roof Art School in Singapore

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台灣人在這方面要學習的還太多,卻太慢. 是該努力看看國外(and對岸)的作品.

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